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Let me introduce myself. My name is King Quizzical. I hail from the land of my ancestors, Stormcloud Valley, and I rule this land with love. I came to your world today to see my dearest friend. His name is Jonathan. He had soccer practice and couldn’t make it. I understand. I have been coming here for close to five years now. I used to travel to your world every day. That was the life. Jonathan called me one day as I was ruling my kingdom. He said there was a ogre causing a ruckus in Grandma’s basement. I called up my loyal subject and we journeyed to slay this beast. As thanks he made me one of his usual companions so that I could be with him on all of his future quests. He’s a great leader. One of my favorite adventures was when his brother had been kidnapped by wolves from the future and we had to destroy them before they were able to obtain the magic baseball and conquer the realm. I’m not sure I entirely understand why, but as of late our conquests became less fanciful. Last week we went out for ice cream. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good dairy snack, but I’ve been accustomed to much more daring feats. Jonathan is growing older, but it appears that time in my land flows differently, because I haven’t aged nearly as much as he has. He grew a lot just in the past year. I think it started when his grandma got sick. That was when the magic seemed to have left the world for dear Jonathan. I desperately wanted to be there for him, but he requested that my visits become less frequent. It was hard for me. We went from every day to once a week. Eventually months would go by without him summoning me for a quest. I hope things do pick up soon though. Last time we were together he drew me a beautiful new sword he was planning to have forged for me. I’ve since had the dwarves whip it up. I can’t wait until we can try it out. It seems his interests have changed and monsters and adventure aren’t on his mind as much. He has become an artist, and a great one at that, but he doesn’t draw me anymore. I don’t take it personally. He has just met some new friends who don’t think I’m as cool as the action heroes they see on TV. I deduct that’s probably who he draws now. Even when things aren’t what they used to be, I’ll still be there for him. I know he doesn’t need me as much, but when he does I’ll be ready sword in hand. You can’t go on an adventure without your imaginary friend to help you.

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